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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why I Watermark

I had a completely different post planned today, but decided to let all of you in on why I watermark my photos.  If you are wondering why I’m bringing this silly subject up, it’s because I received this comment yesterday:

“I'm sorry, I tried to follow your blog, but the the addition of your blog name right in the center of every picture is too much. It's distracting and completely annoying.”

C’mon, tell me how you really feel…

Not surprisingly, this commenter did not have an email address to reply back to nor a Blogger profile (I’m sorry I’m not sorry that will be the only bitchy and snarky comment on this post).  However, if I could reply back, this is what I would say…

It’s very plain and simple, it’s the internet!  It all started after reading this post on Becky’s blog where some stranger was using her photos and claiming her daughter was their own.  Not only is that wrong on so many levels but it’s just creepy.  While I may not have an innocent child to protect, my photos are my property and while I choose to share them with you all, I do not want them stolen from me.  I mean, how easy is it to right click and “save-as” or get the image location?  People are able to use your own image and not cite your blog.  Therefore, I watermark all my pictures.

I completely understand this is my own opinion and not everybody agrees or wants to go through the trouble of watermarking.  And that is one hundred percent ok!  However, I decided after reading Becky’s post to start doing it to all of mine.  Sure, I could only do it to the pictures that have people in it or do it the pictures that are “worth” marking.  But, I have gotten in the habit of doing all photos.  While I’m editing and rounding the corners anyway, I might as well add my blog name to the picture.

Of course, to make it less “distracting,” I could always move the watermark to the corner or somewhere not as noticeable.  But how easy would it be for somebody to crop it out and use it as their own?  I understand that if you find it annoying, then you definitely should not waste your time with my blog because all of my photos will be watermarked.  However, I just thought I would let you know why I’m doing it.


How do you feel about watermarking?

post signature


Katrin said...

Katie, you are so right and this comment was just totally stupid! I mean, come on, that person wanted to follow you but thinks the watermark is too distracting? That's crap. :) Sorry! But it is true! I don't think it is distracting at all. And the story you told about your friend's baby is just creepy! I would not want people to do that! So you are right and that person should stop talking like that.

Helene said...

what?!?! wow, people are weird. i have no problem with it but sometimes i'm too lazy to do it! Now i think I should!

According to Jax said...

Watermark away, lady!! I completely agree with you...and if I wasnt so lazy, I would watermark all mine too!! haha.

P.S. I have another giveaway going on right sure to enter!

Unknown said...

I can't believe someone left that comment! I've been trying to find a good place to watermark, do you suggest any sites online?

Becky said...

What?! I just read Becky's post and that is just crazy. and wrong. I don't think your watermark is distracting at all and I think I'm going to start doing it too!

love jenny xoxo said...

I don't watermark, but maybe I would with baby pics, that's creepy about your friend! There are weirdos out there!

{love jenny xoxo}

Courtney said...

Leave it to an anonymous person to say something like that with no way to respond. People on blogger are crazy sometimes. I don't blame you for watermarking at all! I don't right now but I'm sure I will someday when we have kids.

Sarah said...

You go girl! I think it's totally valid! You can't have anyone stealing pics of Brutie Man!!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Being I post so many pictures of Jamie I feel like I should watermark my photos. For all the reasons you mentioned! It's just that one extra step and I never take the time to do it. Awful right?!?

the girl in the red shoes said...

I need to watermark...thanks for the reminder! And why are people so mean? If you don't have anything nice to say, why bother? I just don't get it!

Natalie and Lee said...

I have never even noticed your watermark! People are SO SILLY!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Keep watermarking, Katie! In all honestly, I had not noticed your watermarks until this blog post. After I read it, I went and looked at pictures from previous posts to find the watermark. It's small and discreet; I don't think it is too distracting at all! And since there are people out there who steal photos, you should keep at it!

Faith said...

after i read Becky's post i began to watermark my photos ... i really wanted to keep up with it but it just became so much work because of the massive amount of pictures i upload. i know that i should be more protective of my pictures but my laziness won. :/

Steph G said...

I don't think it's distracting at all - plus you have a GREAT blog name.

Unknown said...


I read her post as well and that's why I started watermarking too! I mean, sure, maybe I'm slightly flattered you want MY life...BUT, no thank you!

It's not distracting. Shout out to you for being careful!!

Ericka said...

I totally agree with you watermarking your photos! I think it's a great idea and I think I might start doing the same thing eventually.

Jill J. said...

Ha...what a dork. Keep watermarking...who cares! They are just sad because they probably wanted to steal your life and now they can't!

I am more than happy to keep reading your blog - even with those darn watermarks! :)

Classy with a Kick

Because Shanna Said So said...

I go back and forth. I haven't done this to my photos out of pure laziness. But it is VERY scary how people can take your photos and use them as their own. This is something I REALLY need to consider. Thanks so much for this and that commenter is ridiculous!!! Whateves...move on!!

Allison said...

Wow...for real? That person had nothing better to do than bash you for being cautious with your OWN pictures? I watermarked my pictures for a while, but then got lazy. This is making me rethink that and want to start it again!

brittany @ g squared said...

What a psycho! Hard to believe anyone would waste their time even commenting that. People are so strange.

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I've been watermarking my photos for 3 years. You just never know!

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

I am so paranoid about this "stealing of identity" but I have no time to write a blog post much less time to edit/ watermark. Once I get my life back from grad school, I will start watermarking!! It's too scary with all those catfish people!!
What a butthole of a commentor!!

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

WOW! The nerve. I watermark every picture of Avery. I try to do it right across her face so that if someone tried to take it, there would be something on it. People can get the gist of a picture with a watermark. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! I also have done something to where people can't copy anything from my blog. It's disabling the right click feature. I had someone contact me asking me to take it off b/c it was not allowing them to open something up in a new window.

Kristen said...

People are weird.

I was actually thinking about doing this, so I'm glad you brought it up! I know I won't be doing it with every photo, but only the stuff that's "mine." Ya know?

Courtney B said...

Oh my gosh... I NEED to learn how to watermark! I am so nervous that people will steal pictures of my sweet, innocent baby and do whoknowswhat with them!

dave and jenn said...

I completely get it and have thought about doing it too. Honestly, I don't find yours distracting at all!

Anonymous said...

I do watermarking for the same reasons - and I do put my URL in various places of pictures for the same reasons (people being able to easily edit it out).
What a mean comment...they might feel differently if something of theirs is ever taken!

today my way said...

I understand your reasons and am definitely for watermarking and still trying to get my head around this on my blog. xx