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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Welcoming Little Charlotte

Well, let’s just say Charlotte’s birth story was a bit traumatic.  Not that anybody walks out of labor and says, "that was a piece of cake; let’s do it again tomorrow.”  However, my body has never been so exhausted before in it’s life!  Thankfully, we have our precious little girl to make me forget about everything that happened (yeah right…that will be forever ingrained in my head!)

So let’s start at the beginning…I went into work on Friday, November 1st.  Keep in mind this was our original due date.  But ever since our first ultrasound, she measured to be due on November 8th.  No big deal because my cycles were never 28 days, so it was no surprise.  Anyway, with everything that happened with my family, I was planning on taking Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off of work for bereavement days.  Thus, my next day back to work would be the day before I was due, November 7th.  I worked my butt of on Friday as if it was my last day there before maternity leave in the event something would to happen in that next week.  Thank goodness I did…

I got home from work that Friday a little early, and started doing things on our to-do list.  Derek was upstairs hanging some picture frames in the nursery and I was downstairs steam vacuuming our carpet.  I had a question so I yelled at Derek to come help.  All of the sudden, around 5:00, my water broke.  Not like a gush or anything…but almost as if I had peed a little.  I ran to the bathroom (thinking what the heck!).  I started just leaking every couple of seconds.  I told Derek I thought my water broke.  We just stared at each other for minutes and kinda giggled.  No way was this happening!!

Derek went into a frenzy and I just sat there (yes, on the toilet) thinking, oh my gosh, I’m having a baby SOON!  Derek wanted me to spring into action with him, but I just needed a few moments (ok, a good 10 minutes) of quiet time.  After that, I had Derek finish steam vacuum while I took a shower and got ready.  It was always my plan to eat and shower before heading to the hospital as I heard many moms say they wished they would have done these things.  About an hour later, we were heading to the hospital to have a baby!

Right before leaving for the hospital!

By the time we got to the hospital, I wasn’t feeling any contractions.  I was 3cm dilated and there were some contractions that I felt pressure, but other than that, I walked into labor and delivery feeling like a joke because I could calmly say, “I’m in labor.”  I always imagined it to be a bit more dramatic.

By the time we got into our room around 7:30pm, I was feeling every contraction.  I requested to be monitored every 20 minutes, so I wouldn’t be stuck in a bed.  Derek and I walked the unit around until about 9:30pm.  It was then that the contractions were starting to get a bit (ok, a lot) uncomfortable. 

Around 11:00pm and 6cm dilated, I decided to request my epidural.  Honestly, it was probably the best thing I’ve ever asked for in my life!  After midnight, I was ready to rock and roll.  We were really happy with how naturally and fast my body was progressing.

2:00am came and I was 10cm dilated.  The nurse came in and checked me and said, “Well, you’re at 10.”  Derek and I both asked at the same time, what does that mean?!  LOL, we didn’t know what was coming…

Seconds before starting to push (aka the hardest experience of my life!)

I started to push and it was at this moment the team realized our baby was in a weird position.  Throughout that whole morning, I had several doctors/health professionals try and turn her.  However, she wasn’t moving a bit.  After about 4 hours, things became a bit frustrating.  Our midwife was at a loss of what to do because she wasn’t moving.  She called in one of the on-call doctors from our practice and he delivered some bad news.  He gave me 2 options: 1) turn off my epidural or 2) have a c-section. Basically, I didn’t say anything for about 5 minutes because I was trying to collect my thoughts.  I was terrified of feeling those contractions again and I really wanted to avoid a c-section.  Basically, my worst case scenario was coming true…

I chose the turning off the epidural.  My attitude was still very positive at this point and I wasn’t ready to give up trying to do this birth naturally.  However, turning off the epidural was the biggest mistake I made that morning.  Their thought was if I felt the contractions, it would cause me to push harder.  Not only did it not make me push harder, it caused my body to become severely exhausted, and of course, I was in a lot of pain.

About 2 hours later around 8am, I stopped everything.  I literally couldn’t go on and there had to be an alternative.  At this point, I had been up for 26+ hours and my body was starting to run a temperature, my blood pressure was high, and I felt like I was having an out of body experience.  I would be talking and once I stopped, I would realize I just carried on a conversation with somebody but had no idea what was said.  I was d.o.n.e!  Thankfully, little Charlotte was unphased by the whole labor process.  She was quite content.

Our midwife said she would request for another physician to come in (from home, bless his heart!) for another opinion of what to do.  There was a mention of using forceps, and honestly, I didn’t care what they had to do to get her out of there!  An hour later, 9:00am, he walked in and assessed everything.  He said he could use the vacuum as long as I could give him 2 more pushes.  I didn’t believe him at this point and swore that I was going to be the first pregnant girl in the world to be pregnant forever.  However, after 2 contractions, Charlotte Mae was out and wailing.  She was born at 9:33am.  I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes that she was here and I had delivered our daughter!


I ended up with a "nice little" episiotomy involving 50 stitches; but hey, at that point I didn't care and just wanted her out!  Surprisingly, recovery has been pretty doable and I started feeling better about 5 days after delivery.  I'm just so thankful she is here and everybody is healthy!!  I'm trying to soak in every single moment I can.


Sarah said...

Oh that last picture, so so precious!! I hate that it did not go smoothly but so glad that you have your sweet girl now! Can't wait to see you guys again soon!!

k8te said...

holy moly, 50 stitches! girl, you deserve a medal! glad recovery hasn't been so bad, and that cute little face is worth it all!

Helene in Between said...

ohh i can only imagine how tired your body (and mind!) truly are! you look amazing and charlotte is beautiful, i'm sorry it wasn't easy but I'm glad everything turned out alright!

Jax said...

Congratulations! She is so beautiful! And thank you for being so honest about the process! What a delivery! 50 stitches...eek! Glad everyone is healthy and happy, but that didn't sound fun. And I, too, would have hated the decision between turning off the epidural vs. the c-section..ugh. A rock and a hard place for sure. Your little family is beautiful and I'm so happy for you, friend!

Lauren said...

FIFTY STITCHES! Oh sweet mother...

agalandherdog said...

Fifty stitches?! Bless your heart! That sweet face certainly makes it bearable. Hope the rest of your recovery is smooth and painless.

Ashley Carole (Sweet Carolina Belle) said...

Congratulations on your little miracle! Hope your recovery goes quickly!

Jordon said...

I am still trying to figure out how you look so fabulous right before giving birth! SO proud of you and can't wait to hear more about your little miss!

Audra said...

Wow, that was quite the delivery story! My goodness, you are one brave momma! Congratulations! She is beautiful! :-)

Ericka said...

You are an amazing woman! I don't know how you did it! Glad you are feeling better and enjoying your precious baby girl.

According to Jax said...

Tearing up at your amazing delivery journey!!! Such an amazing gift!!!!
And I think I learned something....if ever given the option of turning off the epidural and getting a C-Section...I should go with the C-Section???? Oh geez, I'm so scared to have a baby!!! xoxo!!

Anonymous said... look AMAZING before you are about to push! I am due April and i know i am going to be a fat sweaty mess (probably crying too!

Congrats Hun, you are amazing and i'm glad that recovery has been "smooth"

Unknown said...

Holy stitches!! Glad to hear that you are recovering well and getting to enjoy your quality time with Charlotte!

Becky said...

Eeeek so glad she came out healthy and that you're recovering after all those stitches!! The last picture is just adorable :) I love how when your water broke and you and Derek giggled haha! So sweet!

Jenna said...

Oh she is beautiful! Congratulations on your precious baby girl!

Unknown said...

50 stitches!? I think I was traumatized with you reading this! Oh you are so brave, and I am so grateful your little Charlotte is with you! She is beyond gorgeous!

Allison said...

Wow are a trooper! Sorry things didn't go as smoothly as you imagined, but you got an adorable baby girl out of the deal. Love that last picture!!!

brittany @ g squared said...

OK after our visit I had to re read this. Your next post should be about how to look amazing again one week after a baby ;) Loved her little face!

Alexa said...

Congratulations so many times over!! I've been absent in blogworld so I'm just catching up on your sweet little babe's arrival - she's gorgeous! As are you, mama! You're so strong and I hope your recovery continues to go well. Best wishes to your new family of three! :)

Kate said...

Aw, I can't believe you went cold turkey -- brave and strong woman your are!

I have yet to hear a birth story that isn't tramatic!

Charlotte is so adorable. Like, the cutest little girl in blogland! I can't wait to watch her grow!!

Hope you're feeling well. I mean, 50 stitches? Holy hell, OUCH !!!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Congrats you are amazing.,,what a strong mama Charlotte has! I had a tear too...not fun but the best experience ever having that little person with us healthy and well!

Lauren said...

Congrats you are amazing and she is so beautiful!!!!

Pegster said...

Oh no, so sorry to hear about the episiotomy and the entire traumatic experience. You did it with a smile, you couldn't tell things were going down hill from that last picture before they did.

Congrats on your baby girl, she is gorgeous and so worth the trauma. Rest and recuperate as much as you can, you surely deserve it.

Kristen said...

Oh Katie, I'm so sorry it ended badly, but at least she's here healthy and well! I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly. And she is so adorable, and I'm sure she was beyond worth it. :)

Courtney said...

I cringed when I read the number of stitches you needed, poor thing!!! I'm pretty sure the outcome of a baby is the only thing that would make a woman want to go through something like that again. Glad to hear both of you were happy and healthy at the end of it!

Katrin said...

You are so brave, Katie! Wow! Glad everything turned out fine in the end and I hope you are doing great now. Your daughter is so precious!

Christine said...

oh my! That is quite the story! so sorry about the stitches! Ouch! If it's any consolation you look super gorg in all of the pics! Congrats on baby girl!!

Jamie Hart said...

You go girl!! Forceps are EVIL!! Unlike you, I would have said CUT ME!! I never want to feel contractions again, ever! You are so brave and little Charlie is adorable!

Anne said...

Oh my goodness, girl! I was told my labor & delivery were pretty much as smooth and textbook normal as can be, and I still have slightly traumatic flashbacks - I can't imagine all of this! I'm glad your recovery is going pretty well despite all those stitches...

Faith said...

omg, your experience sounds just like my little sister. however she ended up having to have her c-section!

you are such a champ! i'm smiling ear to ear and beaming about how proud i am of you, lol. i know, weird, right?

but congrats mama! she is so beautiful! you did SO good :)

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

My husband doesn't want me to read birth stories since I get all emotional and we are now down to 22 days until our due date - but I couldn't resist yours! Thank you for sharing and I am so happy your sweet girl is here!

Ashley said...

ohhh, i'm late on this but just discovering your blog. what a crazy story! Makes me nervous and i'm not even pregnant haha!

ps. i never say this but your newborn is BEAUTIFUL!

Courtney @ said...

look at that face!!