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Friday, January 3, 2014

Baby’s 1st Christmas

What an exciting Christmas this was!!  We started the Christmas season off with our yearly Christmas dinner at Easton with Derek’s parents.  We weren’t exactly sure if we could do it this year with Charlie.  It’s a 2 hour drive one way for us, and with having a little 6 week old at that point, we were a little skeptic.  BUT, she was an absolute angel that night!  No cluster feeding and rode like a champ.  We had an amazing dinner as usual…this is my favorite thing and I look forward to it every single year!  OH, and enjoying some wine didn’t hurt either :)

Family picture before leaving…Charlie's eyes, of course, are on Brutus!


I wasn’t planning on taking Charlie to see Santa this year because she is so little, but after seeing all the pictures with Santa from fellow bloggers, I just thought it was my duty as a Mom to take her to see Santa every year!  Of course she had no idea, but it will be fun to look back every year and see these pictures!
I just crack up at this double chin, ha!


Christmas Eve, my Mom came down and we had Christmas at our house.  We enjoyed a delicious meal and opened up gifts.  Christmas morning, we headed down to Athens for Derek’s family Christmas.  Unfortunately, Charlie cluster fed all day on Christmas.  SO, the 3 hour trip to Athens was miserable for all 4 of us.  She ate allllll day.  BUT, she was quite pleasant considering the circumstances.

Charlotte rocking her Santa’s Helper outfit…equipped with a tutu of course :)  Oh and you see those red nails of mine?!  Yes, I treated myself to a mani/pedi while my Mom was here to watch Charlie.  It was the most glorious 2 hours!

Ribbet collage

Overall, the best part of this Christmas was spending time with family.  I just love seeing all the love Charlie receives from our family!

Charlotte just loves sleeping on her Grandpa!


Hope you all had a great Christmas!


Becky said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful Christmas and Charlie could get loved on by a lot of family! :) She is so precious! You are looking great too mama!!

Allison said...

Aw I'm so glad you all had a great first Christmas with Charlie! So sweet of her to let you enjoy your favorite meals of the year. Happy 2014 Katie!

Courtney said...

I was just beginning to wonder where you went! I'm so happy you guys had a memorable first Christmas with baby girl and I love seeing all of the pictures of your family of 4!

Sarah said...

What beautiful ladies!! I love her tutu!!

I can't wait to snuggle her!!!

Ashley said...

Despite the feeding frenzy sounds like you have a great day! She is adorable!

Jordon said...

Ahh that picture with Santa makes me so happy! She looks like a doll!

Bri said...

Awwww such a sweet sweet picture with her and Santa! Glad she had a great first Christmas :)

Faith said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the one of Charlotte with Santa!

And you look fabulous!

Margaret said...

Oh she is just adorable!! Glad you had a good Christmas :)

Mrs. Pancakes said...

She is sooo precious Katie!! And I love the Santa cute!!

Jamie Hart said...

I absolutely adore the picture of you and Charlie (in her tutu outfit) looking at each other. It's so very precious that my heart just melted into a little puddle. This is just the first of many wonderful Christmases that you and the Family will share together. Like I've said before, I can't wait to share the incredible journey with you. It's just such a beautiful and blessed experience and you guys look like you are doing such an amazing job! I envy you but my time will come!! XOXO

Angela said...

That last picture is precious!! Looks like you are adapting well to life with a newborn and were able to enjoy the holidays. ;)

Pegster said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your little family. I love the family pic, you have a beautiful family.

I like the idea of taking the kids to see Santa every year even if they don't always enjoy it themselves. Many memories in the making

Kristen said...

Sounded like a perfect 1st Christmas for Miss Charlie. :)

And now I know what cluster feeding means. lol

Erin LFF said...

Adorable photos!! So glad to hear your first Christmas was awesome and that so many people got to love on that sweet lil babe!

Unknown said...

What a sweet 1st Christmas! So glad you were able to spoil yourself a little. :) I adore that photo of you looking at each other. So, so sweet! You look fantastic too!

Jen said...

What a fun 1st Christmas! And I just love her little tutu :) And that's awesome that you were able to come up to Columbus. I just love Easton, and it's so fun when it's all lit up for Christmas.

Anne said...

Yay, so nice to see an update from you (and hear that you all enjoyed the holidays! Isn't it so fun to arrive at family gatherings with the star of the show in tow? So much love). We definitely need to catch up sometime if these babies are ever on compatible nap/feeding schedules :)

Also, I managed to paint my nails for a Christmas party, for the 1st time in about 12 weeks, and I felt so FANCY. Jealous of the pedicure though...

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

What a nice first Christmas as a family of three! :) (four...I'm sorry! I can't leave out Mr. B!)

Anonymous said...

So precious... especially the little Santa's helper outfit, pretty girl :)
xo Kat