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Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Mommy Confessions

It’s time for a confess sesh…

-I had no idea I would have zero control over my bladder the first few weeks after delivery.  I may or may have not peed my pants the first night home (ok, I did).  I searched the internet that next day looking for answers because I was thinking I would have to wear depends the rest of my life.  Thankfully all the answers said I would gain more control during my recovery period.  I’m so happy to say, the advice was correct.

-The first two months of new mommyhood is hard.  And I mean like really hard.  Not only do you have no idea what to do with this little miracle, you do not know your child yet and it is hard to respond to their needs, you are trying to recover from childbirth, you are accommodating visitors, living life with no schedule, dealing with unpredictability (will this last rocking session put her to sleep or will I be doing this for two more hours?!), PLUS you are working through hormones and feelings towards your whole new life.  Whew, it is a lot!

-I’m excited to get back to work.  I have about a week left, eek!  There were multiple times during my maternity leave that when Derek was leaving for work, I wished it was me.  However, now that my time is about to be done, I’m getting a little nervous to leave my bundle of joy with somebody else all day…even Derek.  It is just nobody knows Charlie as well as I do.  Plus, a selfish part of me doesn’t want her to love somebody as much as she loves and depends on me.  But, I know she will adjust, will always love me because I’m her mom, and lastly, it will be good for her to hang out with other people besides me and her dad.

-It is the absolute truth when people say that it is love at first sight with your child.  I was so incredibly emotional when I delivered Charlotte and they placed her on my chest.  I knew at that moment I was in love.  After spending almost three months with her, I have to say, I’m absolutely obsessed with my child. 

-It is also true when people say you will think your child is the most beautiful child in the world.  I tell Charlie how beautiful she is about 1,304 times a day. Seriously!

-I didn’t feel a “connection” to Charlie while I was pregnant.  Don’t get me wrong, I felt so blessed and couldn’t wait to have her.  However, it was hard for me to think of her as a person, so I didn’t think of her as a little girl yet…my little girl.  As I mentioned, that changed the second she was welcomed into the world.

-My permanent marks from pregnancy didn’t appear until after I delivered…lucky me!  I don’t know if I didn’t notice it before, but after the weight came off, I now can see stretch marks on my butt (lovely).  Also, something else I didn’t notice while pregnant, I have a linea nigra that looks like it is here to stay.  It wasn’t noticeable/present while my belly was huge, but now, I have a nice line going down my stomach.  Lastly, my belly button is not the same.  It is bigger and deeper.  Everything else I’ll be able to get back to normal; I just need to find the motivation to start working out!

-I’ve gained much more patience since Charlie has been born.  Derek on the other hand, he has less lol.  I think it comes with the mommy territory!

-After going through a pregnancy, I’m in absolute awe of the human body.  The changes the body endures through pregnancy and then going through labor is amazing.  Plus, seeing the development in a baby is crazy.  It is insane in what the body can naturally do!


Kristen said...

Aw I love this! You are such a great momma Katie! Charlie is so lucky!

Jamie Hart said...

I love your candid honesty here! I know that it will be helpful to so many others and more so, I know that one day-- Charlie will look back and read this, knowing that you are such a great Mother!

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

I have peed myself from sneezing really hard, so I fear what pregnancy might do to me! (TMI? sorry!!) You are blessed to have had that time off with her!

Anne said...

I love this post! Same here about the belly button, unfortunately - mine popped so early that I sort of knew it would never be the same again, but still... And I think that's true of patience for Peter & me too, though the opposite in the middle of the night :)

Pegster said...

I laughed so hard at your confessions.

The bladder is killer isn't. I am going to tell you it seems to get worse with every pregnancy, now if I sneeze without thinking about it I might pee myself. Beautiful.

I totally had no connection to my first until he came too, I felt so bad about that but now I know it's so normal.

Good job sharing these with everyone, pregnancy and motherhood are a great experience but they definitely come with a slew of things and feelings.

Unknown said...

You seem like such a good Mama! Those first weeks sounds incredibly hard. It makes me nervous! Thanks for sharing this with us. You're such a relatable person, and I always appreciate your candor!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

i love these confessions...i agree with all of them. returning to work was the hardest part but at the same time, i was happy to mingle with people older than three months old. enjoy your last week with Charlotte..sock it in.

Faith said...

I have a feeling these are going to be my confessions when I have a child in the future. But you're doing so well! Charlotte hit the jackpot with you as her gorgeous mama.

Kristin said...

I love this post!!

Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

Awe, I love reading this. I also love her name, so pretty!

Erin LFF said...

Such an awesome, honest post! Love it, Katie! You are such a good momma!:)