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Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Recap!

Happy Monday and hope you had a great Easter!  No pictures (I know how could I?) from this weekend, but to report we had a great one!

Saturday we celebrated Easter with my mom, step-dad, and grandma.  Some exciting mom and step-dad are also building a house so we took the time after an amazing Easter lunch to go see their land / model.  We had a great time and Brutus always loves being there because he gets a treat..oh, every minute?!?!

Driving was awful this weekend.  If you are anywhere close to Ohio then you know it has been raining for the past 2 weeks.  BUT, Brutus had a great time playing with his little cousin, Zeus and running as fast as he could outside in the mud!  Only one bath was needed this weekend!


I did get a surprise and saw Water for Elephants with Derek's family (I was so super excited!).  This movie did not disappoint from the book.  Of course not everything was included but I thought they did a spectacular job including everything major!  A bit slow at times, but overall a good see.

Hope it is dry wherever you are!


dave and jenn said...

I enjoyed seeing "Water for Elephants" this weekend too! Although I sure don't want to see any other kind of water for a while.... We have been dealing with flooding from all the rain we've had as well... :(

Lauren said...

I can't wait to see that movie!! Glad you had a fun weekend :-)