Moving on…
So I know all of you know she’s pregnant. And by pregnant, I mean HUGE! Seriously, please tell me that nobody else looks like this:

Ok, ok, you get the point. However, how can you not love her when she says things like this taken from here:
On finding out she was pregnant: “We were goin’ to have an all-day drinking binge. Gonna ride our bikes, hang out… do naughty things. But I started feeling this overwhelming guilt.”
On her big baby: “There is only one, there is only one girl. But I did get knocked up by a baller…. That’s what I get, he’s like 6’4″.”
On her food cravings: “This week it’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, toasted. And then, I’ll put some salt on my hand like I’m taking a tequila shot and then take a bite of the sandwich.”
On her dessert cravings: “They’re called Slutty Brownies. They are a layer of cookie dough, a layer of Oreo cookies and a layer of brownie dough, and then you bake it together. It’s amazing.” Why are they called Slutty Brownies? “I don’t know. I guess a lot goes into them?”
On her pregnant sex life: “I am definitely ‘feeling intimate.’ I’m kind of unstoppable right now. The Big O is, like, the biggest O ever!”
On her new nickname: “I came up with it because I was sweating my butt off and I just started calling myself ‘Swamp Ass.’ Like, I have swamp ass right now. I have major swamp ass because I was wearing these Spanx to hold in my gut…. I’m wearing these Spanx and we’re under these hot lights… it’s very humid in there.”
On her water breaking: “I feel like I have a bowling ball sitting on my hoohah! Apparently I have a lot of amniotic fluid, so whenever my water breaks it will be like a fire hydrant!”
Some may find her a little raunchy, an over-sharer, or just down right classless. Me, however, find her to be so down to earth and hilarious! I swear there are 5 babies in that belly, but other than that, I laugh every time sometime comes out of her mouth!
What about you….what are your thoughts on Miss Simpson?

I adore her too!! Ifind her to be hilarious and down to earth too!! Wowza that is a big baby in there!!
That's hilarious! I remember looking at her thinking she must be due soon and she was only 6 months!
Ok, I want to hear this story about Nick cheating on her. I love me some celebrity gossip. =)
I really like her too and you know Weight Watchers is going to pay her a ton of money to lose the weight so she needs to enjoy it while she can!
I love some celebrity gossip too... do share!!
I am a Jessica fan, always have been!!
Doesn't she feel like an old friend? I love her comments!! She is not afraid to speak her mind! Thanks for posting! Fashion Star is almost on in the Eastern Time Zone.
I LOVE J simpson too! I blogged about her last week. HOWEVER, girlfriend is a wee bit big for her pregnancy. Guess she figures she'll hire a trainer and get all the weight off?
I never heard he cheated on her...There were rumors speculating she cheated on him with her co stars on Dukes of Hazzard and I read a ton of stuff that he was just jealous that she was getting a lot of fame when his music career was slipping through the cracks! Do tell what you know! :)
Love her!!!! Her quotes on pregnancy have me cracking.up!!!!
hhahahaha! I used to love her, but then I went through a time where I thought she was just too much. But, lately I've been digging her candidness about everything. And I like how she's started to embrace who she really is and roll with being a little curvy, etc. :) And these quotes you posted were just too much. Laughing over here.
I love Jessica! I loved her also when she was married to Nick. I have all the seasons on their show haha!
I would for you to enter my giveaway!!
She is hilarious. I saw her on Ellen and she was so cute. Who cares how big she is - and yes, I believe there might be 6 children in there. But I still love her!
I'm not too sure it those outfits are very figure flattering.. yikes. She is pretty funny though I give her that.
She cracks me up too... I used to love Nick- but I can't stand how if anything in Cincinnati is going well (mainly sports) he is a HUGE FAN and being all "home town"... but the minute a team has a bad season, or someone does something he doesn't like-- he's a basher!
I have always loved her! Her honestly is hilarious! I wish she would do another reality show with her to beau! :)
She is ginormous! Poor woman her back must be killing her. Hate the fact that people sometimes make fun of her because of it. She is giving birth to another human for God's sake! lol She is so funny and at least she is light hearted about her pregnancy
She's so funny I love her pregnant!!!
My sister-in-law LOVES Jessica Simpson.
She is seriously huge (Jess, not my SIL) - wow. I guess I hadn't seen any pictures of her. Good for her though!
Haha I love her too! She is a sweet-heart.
ive always been a fan of jessica but she is driving me crazy with her pregnancy's always too much! but im glad she is sooooo happy!
Man i have always loved her....such a huge fan of newlyweds. She is just so cute and sweet........although she has changed a lot since then.
Hope you have a great week.
She's Got Heart{s}
I cant believe she is still preggo!!
I can't believe people are hating on her because of her weight. If her guy is 6'4" I'm not surprised at ALL. I like her. She's hilarious. Cracking up at her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Here's to a happy and healthy baby :)
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