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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pool Bag Necessities

Since vacation is on mahhh mind....I thought I would do a pool bag post to remind prep me for packing for Vegas!  It's been about forever since I've packed for a pool/ if I forget anything, please ladies, let me know!

Beach Bag

So first, you need a bag right?  Well, fortunately, I have so many Victoria Secret bags that I've gotten for "free" over the years, that I do not need to buy a new bag.  BUT, if I would definitely be a cute one like the ones above!

Beach Bag 1

Now, on to the necessities:

  1. Sunglasses- aviators to be exact.  It's about the only sunglasses that I've found that do not leave tan lines on your face.
  2. Sunscreen- enough said
  3. Magazine or a good easy read book- you know when you're so hot that you want to go inside...well hopefully a good read will help to distract from the heat!
  4. Hat- this is when you want to keep the sun out of your face to catch a little break from said heat!

Beach Bag 2

  1. Beach coverup- great way to move from pool to restaurant easily. 
  2. Sprunch spray/sea spray- this may not be on everybody's beach bag list..but for me it is!  After I get into the pool, I like to spray something in my hair immediately when I come out to lounge.  That way, my wavy hair is not frizzy when it is drying
  3. Water- again, with the heat, water is a great way to hydrate from the night before while you are out in the sun
  4. Chapstick- surprise, I'm mentioning chapstick again!  If you slather yourself with cannot forget your lips!  Wouldn't want to burn those suckers!

Those are my ideas for the pool or beach.  Am I missing anything?

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Faith said...

I think you have it all.

I wish aviators looked good on my face because I like them!

You're going to have the best time! Can't wait to see pictures!

Sean Marie said...

Yeah, I look terrible in aviators. I can see you rockin' them with a fedora though and looking so gorg! Hope you have fun in Vegas. :)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Fantastic list, love the aviators and sunscreen -- that's my top 2!

Sarah said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip once you are back!! Great choices and good call on the scrunch spray!

P.S. some how I was not following your blog?! What?! Sorry- that has been fixed!

Anonymous said...

Great list! I don't own a hat for the pool, I think I might be getting one this summer. The fedoras are so cute!

And I've never tried EOS chapstick. I love burts bee's but think I might be trying the EOS. So many people rave about it.

dave and jenn said...

I've been wanting to try a fedora, but I'm not sure if I can pull it off. I love that Pucci bag!