Now, on to some photo fun!
Anyway, all you do is a) go out with your friends and have a good time b) get your camera out c) right before you snap the picture, call out an action/event for the people to act out d) capture this picture.
YUP, that’s all you do! It’s that easy and soooo much fun!
For example, you can do it while you are waiting on campus transportation to take you to the next bar…..
“You just saw something that grossed you out”

“You are looking at a shooting star”

“You just found out you have a STD”

Or, you can play this game while you are waiting on a taxi……
“You are surfing”

“You just found out you won the lottery”

Or, maybe you are sitting at a restaurant waiting for some food….
“You are playing the saxophone”

“You are a serious pool shooter”

And then, sometimes you look back at these freaking hilarious pictures and can’t figure out what was said right before the photo was taken….

That’s all you gotta do; and I guarantee it will get a lot of laughs! Try it out next time you are out!

Haha, this is so hilarious, Katie! You just made me laugh sooo much! Love the pictures!!!
This is hilarious! I love this!
Hhaha, omg this is TOO funny. Will definitely be doing this next time I'm out!!
I love this game and play it often. Haha! Love the looking at a shooting star shot. :)
I've done this! And you're right, it does produce some funny pics!
What a fun game! May have to try this out this weekend for my brothers birthday. :)
Haha love the pictures! I need to do this!
This post cracked me up, you are too cute! :)
this is hilarious. I am doing this next time I am out with friends ...
So funny, love it!!
this the absolute cutest!! i gotta try and talk my boyfriend into playing along with this!
My husband and I love playing that game with our camera. Cute pics :)
OMG!! I am totally playing this game!! Sounds like fun!!
That is awesome! Dave would definitely put up a fight if I tried to do this, but I might have to try anyway. :)
my friend kara and i always play that game! it makes for some hilarious pictures, but you're right: sometimes it's just impossible to remember what was said!! haha!
LOVE these pictures!! You are so dang cute :)
You guys are too cute!
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