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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I’m On Instagram!!

I’m finally on the ever-so popular Instagram!  You can find me with my username: Marriedwithapup.  Or leave a comment with your username and I’ll find you :)

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Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

yay!! welcome to instagram and i'm katgdfastiggi

FENNOfashion said...

You're gonna love it! I'm Fennofashion :)

FENNOfashion said...

You're gonna love it! I'm Fennofashion :)

dave and jenn said...

Yay! I'm on there as jenndyerholland.

Lauren said...

Awesome, I just added you :-)

Jen said...

I'm Jhastin12. I'll have to look you up and add you. I just love Instagram!

Steph said...

Yes! I just followed you :) I unfortunately spend more time on there than on my blog since it is so quick and easy!

Anonymous said...

I love instagram! My user name is lifewithdemi

Jamie Hart said...

I requested you-- lyricalsoul :)