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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sorry I’m Not Sorry

I’m linking up with these lovely ladies for a round of Sorry I’m Not Sorry!

Sorry I’m Not Sorry for….

Making lists all the time.  And I prefer lists on paper (in case you were dying to know) so I am able to cross it off.

Yelling at my husband when he is driving crazy and then when I’m by myself, I do the exact same things.  Hey, he’s so much scarier when he does it ;)

My head being full of song lyrics.  Seriously, I’m pretty sure 80% of my brain is full of lyrics.  Super helpful when making my commute everyday to work.  Singing along to the radio is the only thing keeping me entertained every day while driving.

Being drove crazy when people do not shut cabinet doors.  Seriously, how hard is it for you to shut the door?

Being in love with their dog and treating it like part of the family. 

Using too much of every product…this drives my husband crazy.  Whether it’s body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, eye cream, etc. etc. etc.  You name it, and I use way too much.  I know I do it….I just have a hard time visualizing how much I need.

Watching crap tv.  Reality tv is about the only thing I watch.  The crappier it is…more likely I’ll watch it!  I’m craving that fluff stuff when I get home from work.  I don’t want to watch anything that needs my brain to work.

Being horrible at geography (ahem, Mr. TBC).  I promise you, it’s not my fault!

Derek and I have our own secret clap.  You know, a hand clap routine you did with a rhyme or something when you were 5 years old?!  Well, we were awesome when we were in high school and started doing a small secret “handshake” (which involved clapping each other hands).  We have been adding to it every since and now it has gotten kind of long.  But every so often we will pull it out to see if we can remember it. 

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Allison said...

I do so many of the same things...and I'm not sorry either. Haha. I'm always making lists on paper, and I am absolutely terrible with geography. It's a little embarassing how bad it is, but oh well. Haha.

Staci said...

Hahaha I love that y'all have a secret handshake! Now I kind of want to invent one for me & Taylor. Also, YES to cabinet doors & YES to paper lists. Makes me feel so much better.

Becky said...

I love making lists! I just feel more productive even if I don't cross anything off for a little while. I agree with the cabinet doors and treating your dog like they are part of the family. Sometimes I just laugh at myself after hearing the "conversations" I have with my dogs :P

Dabbling in Dixie said...

I always make lists for the same reason! I also have a head full of song lyrics and when people sing the wrong ones it drives me crazy!!

Anonymous said...

I am a compulsive list maker. :) Thanks for linking up!

Anonymous said...

I am a compulsive list maker. :) Thanks for linking up!

Angela - RoseTinted Lenses said...

Hahaha I LOVE this!!!!! Xx

Anonymous said...

I agree about the cabinet doors! And dogs. Dogs are definitely family members.

Sara Elizabeth said...

I cannot believe I forgot the cabinet doors, I hate that!! And I also have a head full of song lyrics which is rather inconvenient when I can remember a Backstreet Boys song from 2000 but not something I just learned for school, ha! Thanks for linking up with us!

Anonymous said...


And my dog is totally part of my family :)

Samantha said...

Someone once told me their ex-bf left the cabinet doors open and I looked at them like they were crazy. HOW is that possible? I feel like I'm hearing about it happen more and more lately. What is this world coming to!?

Katrin said...

I love to make lists just because I love it so much to cross things off. And I am not sorry at all either! Great list!

Kait said...

HAHAHA I LOVE THIS! Also, I, too, am terrible at geography. I mean, embarrassingly terrible. When I was flying to Ohio I was trying to determine if it would be a different time zone. In the midst of all this, I remembered Sarah told me I was actually flying into Kentucky. To me Kentucky=the South. So what do I do when I pull out the map? I look for the Mason Dixon line. Turns out, the MDL doesn't determine time zones...Whoops.

Joanna said...

so song lyrics reminds me so much of myself. I secretly wish that people would break into a gigantic musical at random parts of the day - jazz hands-

Sarah said...

How have I NEVER seen this clap?!

Ugh can he just lay off with the geography skills?! All the time he is talking about maps and where things are...boooring Mr. TBC.

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

My husband is a notorious overuser of product. I swear he uses an entire container of contact solution everyday. Drives me crazy! Lol. So I feel your husbands pain on that one! ;)

Lauren said...

I also make a TON of lists, all handwritten haha! :-)

Faith said...

Seriously! We're like the same person! It's insane.

Minus the clap thing you got going on with Derek ;) I nodded to everything.

Oh and about the geography thing. I must have not listened in class or something because I'm useless. Sean is so good with geography that it drives me insane.

Jenna said...

Handwritten lists are the way to go!

Omg, I cannot stand when cupboards are left open. If you open it, shut it. Grrr...

Geography and I are not good friends. Thank goodness for GPS, because I cannot read a map for the life of me. I hope my children don't inherit that. lol


Erin said...

I haaaave to have lists on paper. I love paper, fun pens and definitely being able to see it all visually and cross things off when they're done. My sister was making fun of me last weekend for not just using an app on my phone, but I just can't do it!!

Nancy said...

I just read something that said "Don't you hate when you are singing a song & the artist gets the lyrics wrong?" HA!

Jamie Hart said...

I always use too many products-- especially pinesol!! I love the lemon smell. Sadly, I had a brain injury and it messed up my sense of smell :( And with the lyrics, I will break out in song at any given moment (I get that from my mother). People often call me a lyrical soul!