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Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Recap!

Derek’s parents were here for the weekend in anticipation of seeing their granddaughter in 3D and also for one last hurrah before summer ended.
Friday night, we all headed to Jungle Jims to pick up some prime steaks for Derek to grill.  He is pretty much the grill master and has perfected grilling steaks.  Thank goodness I feel like beef again!  Derek and his parents started the meal with oysters on a half shell, which I would not have partaken even if I wasn’t pregnant because, yuck I just can’t.  I’ve tried so many times, but I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy a good oyster.


Brutus’ country cousin, Zeus enjoying the festivities as well!


Saturday was spent grabbing lunch and eating our meal on an outside patio….the weather here is just so beautiful!  Then, we were off to Ikea.  It was a successful trip for both families.  We got some things for the nursery and Derek’s parents bought some book shelves.  Ikea was packed (per the usual for a Saturday) with tons of students going back to school.  I told Derek that would be us in 18 years, ha!

Saturday evening was the big event!  Both sets of grandparents were here for our 3D/4D ultrasound.  I could not wait to see our daughter!!  Unfortunately, she was very adamant on keeping her face a secret….she wouldn’t quit covering up her face!!  In fact, after trying many things such as getting up & moving, switching to my left and right sides, and the sonographer poking my belly, our little lady told us exactly what she thought of all this….
YES, that would be her middle finger!!  She was totally giving us the bird and telling us that we would just have to wait another 3 months to see her little face.  Seriously, we all died laughing…can you believe this?!  I was like, that’s my girl!  I already have a reason to be proud of her, ha!

Hope you had a great weekend!

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Erin @ Happily Obsessed said...

Bahahhaaa....OMG that's hilarious!! Maverick had one of his fingers up in our anatomy scan but its so blurry you can't tell exactly which one.

Becky said...

Bahahaha!! That is hilarious!! I'm glad you had a great weekend! I'm not an oyster fan either yuck!

Jill J. said...

OMG, that is the cutest thing ever! Ha. You are going to have to tease her forever for this! Love it!

I am with you on Oysters. I can't really even look at them. I have no idea why people like them. Esp when they say...oh but you can't taste them. So why eat them?? Gross.

Classy with a Kick

Faith said...

Omg! That is the funniest thing ever! I'm laughing so hard right now! What a sassy one, lol. She is going to LOVE that in the future!

Sounds like a great weekend!

Allison said...

Hahahaha. Oh my gosh. That's hilarious! You are going to have your hands full with that one. ;) Glad you had a great weekend Katie!

Jamie Hart said...

I'm sorry Katie-Lou but that ultrasound photo is a keeper! It's too funny and would be a great birthday photo at some point!

Lauren said...

Hahahaha that is so great can't help but laugh :-)

brittany @ g squared said...

I love it! We got to see Derek's parent's dog when we were walking the other day. He had the same attitude as Brutus- get away from my lawn haha

Anne said...

So funny! And between your two ultrasounds, it sounds like you have a girl with a mind of her own :)

Kristen said...

Lol that is too funny!

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, what a stinker!!

Courtney said...

That is BY FAR the best ultrasound picture I have ever seen. You need to have it framed for the nursery. =)

Katrin said...

Haha, I love this! Made me laugh so much!

Angela said...

Hahahha oh my goshhhh! Too funny!

Mrs. Monica said...

I am not a fan of oysters either. Too slippery. I couldn't stop laughing. Your daughter already has a fun personality. I think she knew her picture was being taken.

saucyminx410 said...

You have no idea how excited I am to see that you went to Jungle Jims - I have been on blogger for years (although not posting a ton in the past year or so) and recently started following you just because I thought your blog was so cute. I had no idea we were from the same area! I have been hoping to find other bloggers in the Cincinnati area for a long time- seems like everyone is from Texas or Arkansas! I look forward to continuing to read your blog!