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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

32 Week Update!

32 Weeks Blog

Due Date: November 8, 2013 (Less than 2 months!!)  

Gender: It’s a girl!  It’s a girl!

Movement: I have finally figured out her schedule (which usually revolves around food).  I can feel her moving when I’m on my way to work in the mornings, after my 10:00am snack, and then again when I get home and usually lay down for a few minutes.  At night, she is full-go and I even feel her each and every time I get up and use the restroom at night.  I always have a couple of minutes when I return to bed that I have to stop concentrating on her moving so I can fall back to sleep. 

Feeling: Wow, the third trimester really comes in with a bang!  As I’ve mentioned, the energy levels have come and gone and then will return again for a day or two.  It seems like I will have two good days in a row and then several exhausting days.  I’m definitely getting back in the routine of getting to sleep earlier and earlier each night.

I had a few really rough weeks.  My heartburn got so bad that I was throwing up acid multiple times a night.  It was possibly the worst feeling ever….laying down going to sleep just knowing that you will be waking up and chocking on your own acid.  Then it would take forever to get back to sleep because I had to get rid of that acid taste that had coated my entire throat.  Absolutely nasty, I know.  At one point (after multiple nights not sleeping in a row), I broke down because I didn’t know how many more nights I could take.  Derek convinced me I had to start taking something.  As recommended by my amazing pharmacist/husband, I’m finally taking prescription strength Prevacid and making sure I do not eat past 7:30 at night and watch my water intake in the evenings.

Lastly, the pain that I’ve had on my right side has not gone away.  In fact, it’s been present for about 3 months now.  Car rides really bother me because of this.  My doctor assures me it is just muscle pain that cannot get a chance to heal.  In the past two weeks, I’ve gotten two or three kicks right to the sore spot and I swear it feels like a knife going right through me.  It happened at work when I was in a meeting, and the pen I was holding literally fell out of my hand from the pain.  I had to excuse myself because tears instantly flooded my eyes.
Besides these couple of “memorable” weeks, I really cannot complain.  Everything else is pretty much manageable.

Food Cravings: Still no cravings.  Although, Derek mentioned having a sucker at night could help with the acid…so he picked me up some blow pops.  I have to say, I’ve become quite addicted.  I really look forward to having one a night.

Food Aversions: None, in fact I finally had soup!  I couldn’t bring myself to do it, but when the weather cooled down it finally sounded good.

Clothes: Pretty much a mix of maternity and non-maternity still.  I’m loving that the weather is cooling down so I can have some new choices from my winter/fall selection.  I’m really looking forward to wearing leggings a lot.

Stretch Marks: None (yet!).  I swear my stomach cannot stretch anymore, ha!  Hoping it can take whats coming it’s way.

Sleep: Overall, my sleep is good.  Besides those couple of weeks and waking up multiple times to pee, I’m so thankful I’m still able to sleep.

Symptoms: Tired, belly button becoming more and more flat, and heartburn/acid

What I Miss: Nothing!

Best Moment: Definitely the past weekend was the best.  I felt like Derek and I got so much quality time together.  We had a romantic dinner and reminisced all about our Italy trip…we were preparing to go on it at this exact time last year.  I’m seriously so thankful for how great Derek has been throughout this whole pregnancy.

Memorable Moments:
  • Week 31: Baby Shower my Mom had for me!
  • Week 31: aka, Hell Week.  I have a feeling I will always remember this week…
  • 32 Week appointment- found out our daughter has flipped and is head down ready to go!
  • 32 weeks 4 days- the ladies at work threw me a super nice baby shower.  We got our rock and play which I’m super excited about!!! Now she will have a place to sleep right beside our bed
  • Week 32: maternity pictures and romantic date night 
  • Now switching to every-other-week doctor's appointments.  Getting exciting! 


Jamie Hart said...

Here's a tip for ya! If you sleep with your head elevated (if possible).. like, on a couple pillows, this can help with the heartburn at night or when you go to sleep. My family has issues with this and it seems to help a lot. Have I told you lately that you look AWESOME???

Helene in Between said...

So sorry you still have pain! But so great no stretch marks!! You look gorgeous!

Katrin said...

I am sure that you are having problems with heartburn, Katie! I hope that will stop soon! You look absolutely stunning!

Robin said...

That heartburn sounds miserable! But I'm sure a romantic dinner with the hubs helped :) You are such a gorgeous pregnant person! I have a feeling when I'm in your shoes I'll be captain of the hot mess express...

Megan O. said...

Gosh you are too cute!!! I can't believe you are already at 32 weeks. That heartburn sitch sounds terrible, but I'm glad you are taking something! Hopefully that will work :) BTW did you ever get a chance to send that book? Did you get my address?

Kate said...

So funny -- I couldn't eat soup either!

I remember that when I did my bump updates and mentioned how I'd gag myself, and often throw up, brushing my teeth, you commented that this would kill you if it happened to you. Curious, did the toothbrush ever get ya?

And heartburn. You poor thing. I had it and thought it was bad, but Tums took care of it, so I guess it wasn't really that bad. Haha!! Yours sounds awful! The good news is that it goes away the second you have your baby... In the meantime, I hope the medication combined with the blowpops :) helps mucho!!

And, of course, you looks absolutely beautiful! You're carrying your weight so well... pregnancy really suits you, friend!

Sarah said...

Ahhhh! She is coming so soon!!

Erin LFF said...

You look gorgeous, Katie! So sorry about the rough moments you've been having-- just keep thinking about how soon you'll be meeting your PERFECT lil daughter! :)

Anne said...

32 weeks!! And head down - things are getting real, right? :) SUCH a bummer about the heartburn, but I'm glad you're taking something to help.

p.s. on an entirely different subject, I love your nail color!

Becky said...

I'm glad you were able to get some relief!! It's getting close now :)

Jordon said...

I am pretty sure I say this in every comment, but holy moly pregnancy looks good on you!!! You look AWESOME!!!

Kristen said...

Aw Katie! I'm sorry about your heartburn and side pain. No fun! :( Hopefully it stays away!

You look gorgeous though! I can't believe you're already 32 weeks!

Jena Roach said...

You are seriously so cute. And I feel like I'm bigger than you and 11 weeks behind you... haha ;)

Kristin said...

You're almost there!! Love the writing on your chalk board!

Angie said...

I had very similar pain with my second child. I remember driving to Frankfort (about 4 hours away) to attend my daughters 8th grade field trip. All the way home I cried because it seriously hurt so bad. I hope it eases up for you soon. I know how bad it is.

Mrs. Pancakes said...

So exciting...I remember this time and it painful as it will go away. You are almost there mama!!