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Monday, October 21, 2013

Mexican, Cupcakes, and Bloggers Oh My!

Happy Monday everybody.  I’m a little late posting this, but I wanted to do a recap of the fabulous Cincinnati blogger dinner I attended last week.  There were 12 ladies and the night involved Mexican Food, Cupcakes, Chatting, and of course, Pictures!  It is so amazing how many local bloggers there are.  I’m so glad we got a chance to all meet up!


A special thanks to Erin for taking the pictures and Allison for initiating and arranging the meet up.  OH, AND Allison scored the cupcakes for free from Gigi's Cupcakes.  Honestly, I was so blown away by these beauties that I stopped there on Friday after work to get some for the weekend!

They are seriously soooooo yummy.  I couldn’t wait for Derek to give them a try!

Hope you had a great weekend.


Becky said...

What a perfect recipe for a great blate! I love how they tried to get baby girl's name out of you :P

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

I love Gigi's but I get overwhelmed by all the icing...I still eat it though ;)

Courtney said...

How fun! Those cupcakes look amazing!

According to Jax said...

So glad I got to see you and your cute little belly!!! :)

Anonymous said...

And now I want a cupcake, ha! What a great idea for a blogger meet up!

Faith said...

looks like so much fun! i moved and still haven't found a blogging group, boo hoo ;)

those cupcakes look good! i want!

Katrin said...

Looks like so much fun! Love all the pictures!

Unknown said...

This looks like such a blast- and man do those cupcakes look amazing!

Kait said...

Those look so delicious!! PS: I think I'm going to see you this weekend!!! XO

Allison said...

Haha our post titles are killing me. That cracks me up. :) Loved getting to hang out with you again. And we need to discuss how you know Lisa!

Erin said...

So many favorites in one get together. This is so fun!

Brittany said...

Love this! I already told Allison that I'm so in for the next meetup!

Pegster said...

Sounds like such a fun time, girl time is always the best. I love that you are getting plenty of that before the baby comes. Any day now

Lovelyladyjb said...

Yum cupcakes, pregnancy hormones are taking me over right now LOL

Kristen said...

Gigi's cupcakes are the best!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Blogger meet ups are the best ever!

Kristin said...

How fun, what a great group of girls!

Anonymous said...

So fun! I had no idea there were so many local bloggers. I would love to attend a future event and just sent Allison a message. Thanks for sharing!