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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oh, Derek…

Seriously, the way guys think,!  Let’s start with a conversation that happened last week between Derek and Derek’s Mom on the phone:

Derek: So, Katie had her doctor’s appointment today
Me (yelling from the other side of the house): Tell your mom about the appointment
Derek: (kinda stuttering) Are, are you sure?
Me: Yes, I’m sure
Derek: Well, Katie had her vagina and anal swabbed….
Derek: Wait, sorry Mom, I guess that is not what she wanted me to tell you
Katie (still screaming): Why would you think that’s what I wanted you to tell your Mom?????  Oh my goodness I’m so embarrassed

Ok, so lets start with the first part of the story.  At my 36 week appointment, I had my Group Strep B test.  According to Baby Center,
“Between 35 and 37 weeks, your practitioner will swab your vagina and rectum to check for a common infection called group B strep. If your test is positive, you'll be given antibiotics during labor to help keep you from passing it on to your baby.”

Completely routine and no biggie.  Anyway, I also had my first cervical check.  While I know there is nothing to get excited about yet, I was 50% effaced and 1cm dilated.  I was excited just to know that my body was starting the process of having this baby girl.  So, of course, this is the news I wanted him to share with his Mom. 

Why in the world would he think to share the other information lol?!  Oh, Derek!


Ashley Carole (Sweet Carolina Belle) said...

Oh goodness! My husband does this too tells the unnecessary details about everything!

Sarah said...

What?! 1 cm?! Ahhhh

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

Oh my goodness that is absolutely hilarious! I am so so excited for you and baby girl to make her arrival soon!

Kate said...

I would have killed him! Hahaha!!! Oh men...... That is so exciting that you're already progressing! Baby girl will probably be here before her due date -- so exciting :)

Lauren said...

Boys - they really have no idea, do they? TOO funny!

k8te said...

hahaha oh my gosh! husbands ;) exciting that you made progress already!

According to Jax said...

Bahahahaha...This is hilarious. So excited you are coming along....can't wait to see this gorgeous baby!!

Courtney said...

That is awesome! That is so typical man too.

Anonymous said...

HAHA omg I just died laughing at my desk. Men! :)

Kait said...

HAHA OMG! I just actually LOL-ed! Oh Derek!

Lauren said...

hahaha that is too funny, but yay for baby girl coming soon :-)

Shelley said...

oh my gosh.. soo embarrassing, but hilarious at the same time. boys can be soo dumb sometimes! haha!
p.s. so excited to meet you tonight at dinner!

Becky said...

Hahahahaha oh gosh that is hilarious! The way they think sometimes!!! I'm so glad baby girl is comingggg :)

Faith said...

Hahahaha I'm dying over here! SO funny!

Jordon said...

I am laughing out loud at my desk. I am SO sorry, I would be mortified!!!!
Boys will be boys!

Erin LFF said...

Haha- I legit LOL'ed at this!! SO exciting that there is progress though-eeeek!!!! :)

Kristin said...

OMG! Dying

Jamie Hart said...


Kristen said...

Lol that is awesome!!

Hope your results come back negative for Group B strep. It is definitely NOT a good thing for baby to get (we see that frequently at the children's hospital I work at unfortunately). But if by some chance you do test positive, the antibiotics will work to treat it so no worries. :)

Adventures in Mommyhood said...

Just woke up my 4 month old because I was laughing too loud. Soooo funny!!!

Laura Darling said...

Hahaha oh boy! No secrets!

Jen said...

Oh my! These men. Although I'll be honest I never knew this so good info for the future right. So excited she will be here soon!

Kayla Peveler said...

Hhahaha this absolutely CRACKED me up! Totally something Caleb would say!

Mrs. Monica said...

I died laughing! Derek is hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

Oh my god I would be so embarrassed if my boyfriend would tell his mum things like that!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I would have died! Such a funny story though!!!