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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Naming our Little Lady

Final Bump Pictureedit

***Mom fail already….she was born at 9:33am.  I added this picture for the last page in the “bump book” and it has the wrong information on it :(  I blame it on sleep deprivation! 

We had Miss Charlotte’s name picked out for three or four years.  We had a boy and a girl name and were pretty much set on these.  After my father passed away, I knew I wanted to honor him in some way with our first child….since we already had our names picked out, I assumed we would do this with a middle name.  His name was Charles, and went by Charlie…Derek and I decided that if we had a girl, we would just call her Charlie.  Easy enough.  Well, the second we found out it was a girl, I knew it was meant to be!  We would have a little Charlie on our hands.  And her middle name, well that was an easy one.  My middle name is Mae. 

After we found out we were pregnant, I thought for sure that naming a child shouldn’t be this easy.  So, I bought this book.  We both read it through on our road trips and by the time we got to the very end, we ended up with our original names.  PLUS, there is a very cool section of the book that give suggestions of brother or sister names….our boy name was a suggested brother name to Charlotte. 
We knew it was meant to be!

So there you have it, Charlotte (Charlie) Mae.


Arielle said...

Such a sweet name, I love it!!

Becky said...

Such a sweet name!! I love the story and meaning behind it too :) I hope you guys are doing well!!!

Faith said...

well, you already know how i feel about the name ;) but i love the meaning behind you choosing it!

Jordon said...

LOVE IT. So sweet and simple!

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

What a cute name! How did you create that picture?

Jamie Hart said...

I absolutely LOVE the name, even more so now that I know the story behind it. Not only is it a classic but a family name in memory of such a special person is such a beautiful thing!

Courtney said...

What a great way to honor your dad through your daughter. He would have been so proud =)

Elisa of Fancy Free Me said...

I much prefer your naming method. I had to see my daughter's face before I could settle on anything. I love that you are calling her charlie. Adorable.

Lauren said...

That is so awesome, I love the meaning behind her name :-)

Jen said...

I love it and now I love it even more because of the meaning behind her name :)

C Mae said...

You already know how I feel about the middle name! :) hehe :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful name and beautiful picture!

Kristen said...

I absolutely love it! And I love how meaningful her name is. :)

According to Jax said...

Awwww. I didn't know you were calling her Charlie...I LOVE IT!! I have a girlfriend named Charlie (Her real name is Charlsie) and I just love it! So sweet! :)

Erin LFF said...

I absolutely love her name and love that it means so much to your family!! :)

Ericka said...

LOVE that you call her Charlie...such a cute name for a girl. I love it!!

Kayla MKOY said...

Her name is ADORABLE and the nickname is even cuter. I'm obsessed. She is so perfect!! :) Congrats, again girl!!

Sarah said...

I think it's perfect and I love the story with it!

Kari said...

Beautiful name!! :) And a beautiful baby!!

P.S. When I posted on Facebook-I typed Coop's time of birth as 4:11 and it was 4:22. I blame my pains meds. ;)

Katrin said...

Love the name! Especially the fact that you honored your dad by picking the name!

Allison said...

I love names with meaning and I absolutely love that you are calling her Charlie. So, so cute!

Anne said...

I love a meaningful name like this - and how great she'll get to someday tell people about her grandfather & her mom when people ask where her name came from :) And I love that she shares your middle name - it works so perfectly with the name Charlotte too!

Whitney @ justacountry-girl said...

Love this name! Charlie/Charles is a big name on my mom'a side of the family. I think it is perfection for a little girl. :-)

Mrs. Monica said...

Perfect name for a cute little person!

Pegster said...

I love it when kids' name mean something. What a sweet tribute to your father. I really really like her name and the meaning behind it.