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Monday, December 2, 2013

Life Lately…

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving was a little different for us this year…we enjoyed the holiday eating meals from Cracker Barrel while our daughter cried.  Man, how life can change!  We are so looking forward to next year when we can be around family and good food!

I’ve been wanting to do a “life lately” post for a while now to catch everybody up on how life has been with a newborn.  I’ll be honest, the first 3 weeks were a struggle for me!  I had zero confidence as a mom and with Charlie.  Confidence was something I KNEW I would struggle with; however, the self doubt really hit me around 2 weeks.  Luckily, we have such a great baby and I have the best husband in the world.  This past week has really been a turning point and I feel like a whole new mommy!  I’m getting to know Charlie more and feel like I can respond to her needs better and I have a lot more confidence in myself!  In fact, we took our first girls trip to Target yesterday.  It went great…besides the fact I forgot her diaper bag at home.  Hey…I didn’t say I had this mom thing down perfect yet ;)

Here’s what we have been up to:

First Car Ride


Catching a First Smile


First Family Photo (and rocking mini pink skinnies)!


Transitioning to the Nursery

photo 2e

Newborn Pictures

photo 1e

Taking Advantage of Days off with Daddy (and enjoying wine flights!)

photo 3

Enjoying Our First Thanksgiving (…or maybe not)


Charlotte was 1 month (!) on Saturday so look for that post coming soon!!


Faith said...

I'm glad to read that you're getting the hang of motherhood!

Charlie is beautiful! I love your family picture :)

Kait said...

Happy 1 Month Charlie! Your little family is so sweet :)

Courtney Rose said...

She is absolutely precious! You look like you have motherhood down without a doubt!

Jordon said...

She is perfect! You know I appreciate that wine flight too! Go you!

Courtney said...

She looks so adorable in that past picture, a beautiful combination of the two of you =)

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

Love this post, I've been thinking about you all! Mommyhood is always a work in progress, glad to hear you're feeling more comfortable! I am obsessed with the newborn photo, belongs in a magazine!

Becky said...

Aww she is such a pretty baby! I'm glad to hear things are getting better :) Wine tasting sounds like a great idea while Charlie is having some dad time! I love her pink skinnies!

Allison said...

Her newborn picture...oh my word. She is just precious. :)

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Oh my gosh, she is SO CUTE. Her newborn photos are beyond adorable! Glad you're settling into life as a mom so well :) xoxo

Angela said...

ohhh myyyy! She is the cutest! I can imagine it's hard to feel confident the first few weeks, I am so glad things are getting better!

Kristen said...

You're doing great Katie!! I just KNOW I'm going to struggle in the beginning when we have a baby, just because I know myself. But it's so so encouraging knowing you have such a great support system by you and that it will all truly be ok. That's what I'm learning with this new puppy. ;)

Sarah said...

You are a great mom and Charlie is so, so precious!! Can't wait to see her again soon!!

According to Jax said...

You are amazing!! I love hearing all about being a new mom! I can't wait to see more of these newborn photos!!! :)

Jamie Hart said...

Oh my goodness.. Charlie couldn't possibly get any cuter! And that Thanksgiving photo. Be still my heart!

Ericka said...

She is too precious! Love all the pics of her!

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

i love that new born photo. I was in your shoes about two years ago, now I'm going to go through all of this new baby phase again come January.

She is such a cutie pie and I'm happy she makes motherhood easy :)

Pegster said...

I love love love your first family photo and YAY for pink skinnies, your daughter is already so stylish. You clearly got this mom thing down ;)

Jen said...

I can't believe it's been 1 month, but I'm sure you are doing great. I struggle with confidence as well, and it seems we are always way harder on ourselves than we need to be. Her newborn pics are adorable and love the mini pink skinnies!!

Erin LFF said...

I just KNOW you are a great momma, even if you don't know it yet ;) Charlie is so lucky to have you two as parents. She is so pretty!!!!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

You look such a natural...and you are still glowing lady! She becomes you!