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Friday, November 1, 2013

Reality Check

Well, I’m still pregnant in case you were wondering.  39 weeks and definitely counting.  Unfortunately, these past 3 weeks of been sort of a whirlwind.  Three weeks ago, my Grandma past away.  She was the last living grandparent that Derek and I had.  She was my absolute favorite and I’m so thankful she came to live in Ohio the past 3 years…it gave me a lot more time with her that I wouldn’t have otherwise gotten.  Unfortunately, the funeral was in South Dakota so I was unable to fly back.  Something about airlines being scared of accepting a 36 week pregnant woman that could go into labor at any second or something like that…I would have loved to be there but instead I stayed home and kept my little daughter safely on the ground.

And then this little cutie pie had surgery 2 weeks ago.  He had one of his dewclaws improperly removed when he was a puppy and the past few years it had created a growth of some sort on his little leg.  It was on our to-do list to get this removed before our daughter made her debut.  He made it through everything just fine; just needed some extra love and attention for the two weeks.  Oh, and he needed to wear his OSU hooded sweatshirt at all times because he had a hard time keeping up his body temperature.  Seriously any time he wears this, he gets more and more attention because it is just so darn adorable.  His sutures were removed a couple of days ago and everything looked great.  I have to say, I wasn’t sad when I threw away that e-collar that he had to wear…

Now, today is when tragedy struck my family again.  My Step Dad had a cardiac event last week…and passed away after being in the ICU.  To say that I feel awful for my Mom is a complete understatement.  After handling everything with my Grandma just 3 weeks ago, she is experiencing another loss.  Joe has been a HUGE part of my life.  They’ve been married for 17 years, so I owe so much to him and feel like a lot of my characteristics were developed through growing up around him.

You know the funny part…4 weeks ago, I started showing progress with this pregnancy.  Every week we would go, a little more, and a little more.  The last doctor’s appointment I had nothing, notta.  It was the same from the previous week.  It is almost like our little girl has delayed her arrival because of these circumstances.  Before, I had the attitude of when is she going to come already.  Now, I’m just hoping she will stay in there a little longer so I can attend the funeral and be there as much as possible for my Mom.  In the end, I’m just so thankful that we have our little girl coming because this will be the first good news my family has heard for a while.  I cannot wait until she decides to come and add a little joy into everybody’s lives.


Lyss said...

I'm so sorry for your and your family are in my thoughts :)

Erin said...

Oh no I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma :( I'm glad the little lady will be on her way soon to bring you all a little joy.

Allison said...

I am so sorry to hear about all of your hard times!! Praying that little girl gets here and brings a smile you everyone's face!

Allison said...

Oh Katie. I am so, so incredibly sorry for all that is going on in your family right now. I know your baby girl will bring so much joy when she comes. Praying for you!

Becky said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your losses Katie. Your baby girl knows what she's doing and will bring so much joy to your family just when they need it the most. Thinking of you!!

Jessica said...

Wow, that is a lot to take in. I'm so sorry to hear of all your losses. I'm sure the pure love and joy of your baby girl will help heal the pain of all your losses. Prayers for you and your family :)

Courtney said...

Oh Katie, I am SO sorry!!! I can't believe all of the loss you have been through these last few weeks and everything your mom is going through. I will be praying for you and I know we have never met in real life but if there is ANYTHING I can do please let me know. We went through some similar hard times last year and I know how hard and lonely it can feel. I'm happy little Ms. will be coming soon so you and your mom can have some joy to look forward to.

Katie said...

Katie, I'm so sorry for both of your losses. I've had a rough week as well and have lost my uncle. I feel for you. I will be praying for you and your family!

Emily said...

Love you and thinking of you and your family; your sweet little blessing will be here a few short days now!

Katrin said...

I am so sorry for both your losses, Katie. :( I am thinking of you! And I hope Brutus will feel better soon!

Lauren said...

Oh no! Thinking and praying for your family, and your sweet puppy to continue healing. Hope everything starts looking up - and can't wait for you to have that little girl!

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness you have had it rough!! So glad you and the babe are okay!! Praying for you and your family during these hard times!!

Helene in Between said...

Oh I'm so sorry that it's been a rough time. Thinking of you and your family.

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Katie, I am so sorry for your losses and will be praying for your family :( Sometimes it's hard to know why life throws things at us all at once, but how precious it will be when your beautiful daughter arrives. Babies are so full of hope :) You are such an inspiration Katie!

Whitney @ justacountry-girl said...

oh sissy! i am so so so sorry for your losses. praying for you and your family and for sweet baby girl. lots of love, prayer and happy thoughts coming your way!

bailey and uggie send their love to brutus too!

Unknown said...

Crying at my desk!!! Sending lots of love and prayers your way!! xoxo!!

Anne said...

Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry to hear this! It's so much to handle at any time, and it must be especially hard when you have all this pregnancy stuff on your mind too. Praying that your little girl arrives in just the right timing for you and that her new life can bring some joy to your family during such a difficult time. Hope you are still able to get some good rest too - take care of yourself, lady.

Margaret said...

Oh girl- I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma and your stepdad. Prayers with you and your family!

Ericka said...

So sorry for loses Katie. How sad to lose two important people in your life so close together like that. Sending prayers your way.

Jordon said...

this breaks my heart for you. I am so sorry for your losses, but I admire your bravery and selflessness right now. Thinking of you and your family!

Kristin said...

oh my gosh my heart breaks for your family. Thinking of you all

Jamie Hart said...

Oh sweet Katie. My heart is just breaking for you and Derek right now and there are literally no words to express what I would like to say. I would like to be there to give you hugs and offer kind words and prayers to you. Please take gentle care of you both (Brutus too). Also, remember that "That which we have once enjoyed, we never lose. All that we deeply love becomes a part of us!" Loss is never easy.. when it comes quickly and unexpectedly.. it's ten times more hard. When you are waiting to bring new life in this world, it makes happiness difficult as well-- please know that your loved ones are with you and will guide your precious daughter into this world.. they will be the Angels that protect you all. Please know that I am praying for you and your family during this hard time. Take it easy please. XOXO

Jen said...

I am so sorry for your losses. I will be thinking and praying for you and your family, as well as praying for a safe and healthy delivery of your little girl.

Pegster said...

So sorry to hear all about the trials and tribulations you've been going through. Your baby girl will be here soon and all will be well with the world.

Have a safe and happy delivery. Looking forward to some happy news and an introduction of the girl to the world.

Faith said...

oh Katie ... i'm so sorry i missed this post until now. i am so sorry for your loss. i can't even imagine having to go through all of that in such a short amount of time.

i'm glad Brutus recovered nicely from the surgery.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for everything you and your family are going through. I hope your daughter brings joy into your lives and I am thinking about you and your family!

Kristen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your losses Katie. :(

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

Oh Katie, I am so so sorry for your loses. Sending lots of prayers your way. xo

Kait said...

I'm not sure how I'm just now seeing this, but I'm so so sorry Katie :( Sending prayers your way. Your little girl is absolutely gorgeous! Big Hugs! XO

Megan O. said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandma and step dad. Sending prayers your way!

JJ said...

I'm a little late to the game, but I am so sorry for the loss in your family. :(

Thinking of your family at this time.

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Oh wow Katie...sorry to hear about the losses in your family,,what a little ray of light Charlotte is bringing into your family! Praying for you and your mom!