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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

She’s Here!!!

Charlotte Mae
November 2nd, 2013
7lbs 13 oz.
21 inches

At 39 weeks exactly, I went into labor!  We welcomed our little Charlie the next day.  She is an absolute blessing and we could not be more excited that she is here.  Our days have been filled with staring at her little face and giving tons of kisses.  I’ll be sure to be back with how Brutus is coping, my labor story, how we chose her name, and what we’ve been up to!

*PS- thank you so very much for all your comments on my previous post.  I wanted to respond to everybody but didn’t get a chance to…your comments were so thoughtful and I appreciate them all!


Becky said...

YAYAYAY! Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!! I love her name :) Can't wait to hear all about it but take your time and enjoy your sweet girl!

Helene said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! congratulations!!

Ashley said...

Congrats!! She is perfect!! Hope all is well!!

Angela said...

Yayyyy congrats girl!

Unknown said...

Very exciting! Congrats!!

Jen said...

Oh congrats! And I love her name. I saw one of your pics on Instagram earlier and got so excited for you. Can't wait to hear more :)

k8te said...

congrats!! she's adorable!

Tara said...

Congratulations! I've been following you for a long time, but this might be my first comment. Enjoy your precious angel :)

Allison said...

Congrats! She's perfect. :)

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe she's here already! She is perfect, congrats to you and your husband! Also, I love the name you chose! Charlotte is one of my favorite girl's names and Mae is my sister's middle name :) Enjoy your beautiful little lady! xoxo

Jamie Hart said...

Absolutely SO excited for you and was shocked to see her appearance on my IG feed when the photo appeared! I can't wait to read more about her, see pictures, and follow along on this journey! Oh and her name.. precious! Loving those cheeks, too!

brittany @ g squared said...

Yayyyyy I have been waiting for this post haha. Cannot wait to see her little face in person :) And to hear all about Brutus coping and how you came up with the name. I absolutely love it! We will be around all weekend, let me know if you need anything with Brutus, or anything else!

Faith said...

She's beautiful! Congrats!

Allison said...

Beautiful, beautiful baby!! Congratulations!

Sean Marie said...

Just wow! She is such a gorgeous little one, I really mean it! I LOVE her name too. Charlotte is a great name, and Mae is a perfect middle name (that's Natalie's middle name too). :) Congrats and sending so much love your way!

Shelley said...

congrats katie! she is beautiful and i just love the name :)

Kristen said...

Yay!! She's perfect!! Congrats!

Sharon said...

Congratulations!!! She's so cute and I love her name :)

Courtney Rose said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful! Bless her heart!

Sarah said...

Yayyay I've been waiting for this post!! She is so precious!! I can't wait to kiss those cheeks and hug your neck!

Anonymous said...


Ericka said...

Congrats!!! She is beautiful! Hope you are all doing great!

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

Welcome Charlotte! I've been waiting for this announcement for so long. Katie and Derek, I am so so happy for you. Charlie is one blessed little lady, can't wait to see more pictures!

Katrin said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you! She is so beautiful and I am so in love with her name! Glad you are all doing great!

Pegster said...

Congratulations to you and your husband!!!
Enjoy your little girl, love the name.

So looking forward to follow along this new journey into motherhood.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Congratulations. She is very cute.

Jax said...

Congratulations! She is just beautiful! So happy for you guys!!!

Megan O. said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!!! I hope one day we can meet up and I can actually see those sweet little cheeks in person :) How are you feeling? How did labor go?! Well I hope! We need a catch up email soon!

agalandherdog said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful and Charlotte was my grandmother's name (so I obviously love it). You guys are in for the most amazing ride.

Anne said...

Congrats again! She's so sweet, and I love her name - I had actually just been wondering late last week when she'd arrive because I was curious to finally learn what you had picked :)

And I love that we ended our pregnancies with another similarity... I also went into labor on the day I reached 39 weeks too!

Hope you're doing great, and can't wait to introduce these two babies!

Erin LFF said...

Congratssssss :) She is absolutely gorgeous and perfect! Can't wait to hear more!!

Unknown said...

She is the absolute cutest. Biggest congrats to your little family!