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Thursday, December 19, 2013

It’s Me, Brutus!


Hello ladies! Yes, that’s right…it’s my 4th birthday.  The picture above was not edited by me, but by my mom.  She made me post it.  I definitely wouldn’t put a party hat on myself if I had the chance.  But, as my dad taught me, it’s just easier to let my mom do what she wants.

So, a lot of things have changed around my house since the last time I’ve posted.  I’m a big brother now.  I’m not sure what that means, but there is this thing that occupies my mom and dad’s attention NONSTOP.  She cries a lot and it used to upset me but now I’ve taught myself to sleep through it.  Speaking of sleep…I’m doing a lot of that lately.  Before she came to stay at our house, I used to play all the time.  Now, I just lay on the ground and sleep my day away.  Sometimes my mom or dad will grab me to sleep by them on the couch or chair, but I’m most comfortable away from my sister and sleeping on the ground.

When I have the chance to get away, I like to spend a lot of time outdoors.  When I’m let out, I’ll stay outside for 15 minutes or more.  My parents get worried about me because sometimes is less than 30 degrees outside.  But I don’t mind…hey, it’s my only alone time I get during the day.

My mom wanted me to share the few photos that she has taken of me in the past 6 weeks.  I’m used to have my picture taken at least once a day….lately, it’s about once a week.  The modeling skills I learned growing up are getting a bit rusty.

In the beginning, I was extremely curious of my little sister.  I would sniff and look all the time because I was so unsure of her when she was brought home from the hospital.


I couldn’t believe this swing…I mean, how did I not have one of these when I was a puppy?!  I love standing on my hind legs and checking on her.  Sometimes I think about jumping up in there because it looks so cozy.


My mom ordered matching chevron bandana/headband for my sister and I from TheLinebyAleMulcahy.  I took the opportunity to teach Charlie how to do the modeling “look” of not looking at the camera….she is a quick learner.


Well, she didn’t get the memo that there is no crying in modeling…too bad I’m the only one that got a treat ; )



Courtney said...

They are so precious together! I love seeing how Brutus is doing as a big brother.

Becky said...

Haha I loved reading this!! I'm glad Brutus is being a good big brother :)

Ericka said...

Happy Birthday Brutus! Such a cute post :) LOVE the matching bandannas!!

Shelley said...

these posts by brutus are too cute! glad he's enjoying being a big brother ;)

Sarah said...

Happy birthday Brutus!!!

Hahha love this!! Besties!

Jordon said...

Matching bandanas? Best mom ever!

Allison said...

Awwww Brutus. I've missed you. Haha. Love the matching bandana. So cute!!

Ashley said...

oooohhh, i'm so loving your blog!

Brutus is ADORABLE! I often wonder what our pup will do when we decide to have a baby. I'm pretty sure he will be just like Brutus!

Katrin said...

Happy happy birthday to Brutus! He is so adorable!

Bri said...

Awww soooo sweet!!! Happy Birthday Handsome Man!

Kristin said...

Love this!!

Kristen said...

Lol oh Brutus!! Happy Birthday!

Lauren said...

He's too sweet, love all the pics!!!

Sarah Alway said...

OMG this is too cute! I loved reading about how he is interacting with the new baby... We have a cat and I'm so worried about how she's going to respond when our Baby Boy is born in May!

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

Happy Birthday Brutus!!!

(this is hands down, THEEE BEST blog post I've read today!!!)