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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Panty Organization

Did I say Panty?  Oops, I meant Pantry!  Yes, pantry organization is what’s up today!  But real quick, yesterday when I was leaving work it was faareezing outside, so I had my gloves on.  Well, I walked to my car and pressed the unlock button.  When my car didn’t light up, I thought that’s weird, maybe I didn’t press the button hard enough.  Instead of pressing it again, I just tried the handle and it opened.  I go to sit down and notice a pink water bottle in the passenger seat.  Hmmm, I don’t remember owning on of those is what went through my head.  And then I looked down and saw an automatic gear shift… car is a manual.  I WAS INSIDE SOMEBODY ELSE’S CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ahhhhh, I jumped out of that thing like it was on fire.  Can you believe there was an identical silver Mazda 3 parked right next to mine.  Jeepers I felt creepy being inside somebody’s vehicle.

Anyway, moving on!  So, I originally came up with this idea from Leah's blog when she did this to her pantry.  It has been on our to-do list ever since.  You can find the original pin here.

So, this is the before..


Yikes is right!  I mean, who puts wire shelves in the closets?!  As you can see, we have a bajillion bottles & cans (especially all kinds of olive oil from Italy) that love to fall right through or fall over every second. 

So here is the answer…


Self adhesive vinyl tiles.  This is very similar to what we used.  But, really all you do is:

a) clean out your pantry
b) peal and stick your tiles
c) trim up any extras to cover the shelf


d) And then stick everything back on. 

It is neat and organized (just how I like it!) and things don’t fall through the cracks!


Much better right?  Now, I just need to do the same thing to the disaster that is called our linen closet!

Linking up with Katie and Steph!

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Faith said...

i so need to do this! we don't have a pantry but there is so much in my kitchen that needs organization!

Lia Joy said...

Ugh. This stressed me out just thinking about it. I need to do this to our pantry SO bad! Well done :) New follower here! Love your blog!

the girl in the red shoes said...

Looks awesome!!! Such a simple fix that made a big difference!

Erin said...

I've been wanting to add these in our linen closet too!! We don't have a pantry-- UGH, so I'm definitely jealous of all your space, lol!!

Jen said...

I love this idea. I totally need to make over our pantry, and soon, as it is a disaster! We also have these wire shelves, so I totally need to head to Home Depot for some of these tiles.

Oh and one time I tried to open the door to what I thought was my car, and when I figured out it was not my car, the actual owner comes out of the store and spots me. I was so embarrased, but they understood...thankfully!

Anne said...

Nice! I should probably do another pantry cleanout - it's amazing what you discover you have in there when you pull everything out...

Allison said...

Wow girl...I am impressed! Looks great and I'm sure it feels amazing!

Savanah said...

looks great!! we just cleaned out our pantry and this would have been something perfect for us to do! Maybe we will go back and add these now!

New follower here! Love your blog!

Meagan said...

What a great idea!!! It looks great! I really need to organize my kitchen cabinets.


Courtney said...

That story at the beginning made me laugh, sounds like something I would do. I also drive a silver Mazda 3 too by the way!

Angie said...

I organized my pantry this month too. Must be something in the air :)

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

Hahah between getting in the wrong car and your post being called Panty Organization... this was hilarious. The organizing was also helpful =)

Natalie and Lee said...

LOVE this idea!! Looks great:)

Lauren said...

I love this so much!:-)

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

That would be very creepy, yet I'm sure it was funny later to be in someone else's car. Surprised you were able to open the door. That is such an awesome idea for pantry organization!!