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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Product Reviews

Product Review2
First, thanks so much for all of your comments!!  You are all so sweet!
Now, onto some product reviews.

1) Bath & Body Works candles- We’ve been burning these suckers non stop.  I have not found a scent that we do not love yet!  I bought the Lemon Mint Leaf, Honeysuckle, and the Lavender Vanilla.  All three smell so good!

2) Sigma Makeup Brushes- So, I was a little skeptic and hesitant when hearing that these brushes were the exact same brushes as Mac.  But, they are SOOO much cheaper and I needed a couple new ones, so I thought I would give them a try.  I am very impressed.  They definitely have the same feel as Mac.  I have cleaned them a couple of times and they seem to be very well made.

3) Eco Vessel- As you probably already know, pregnant chicks drink so much freakin water.  Water all day every day.  Once I found out I was pregnant and needed to drink 12,320 cups of water a day because I felt so dehydrated, I wanted to invest in a water bottle.  I first went to Target and purchased a Camelbak.  Seriously, the worst purchase ever!  I don’t know how people are happy with these things.  The condensation was the worst party and I felt like it definitely did not keep my water that cold.

After doing some review searching online, I purchased an Eco Vessel from Amazon.  Holy Amazeballs!  This is literally the best waterbottle ever.  Ladies, I put ice in this sucker first thing in the morning (7am-ish), and I never have to put more ice in it!  Yup, the same exact ice from the morning is there even at 6pm at night.  Needless to say my water is kept cold all day.  I fill this thing up more times than I can count a day.  AND there is never one drop of condensation.

I can’t believe that is all the product reviews I have for you… I feel like I haven’t don’t one of these in forever.  Here are a couple of other things I’m loving lately:

-Mocktails- Seriously!  I was kinda hesitant on ordering a mocktail at restaurants initially, especially because I looks so young and the servers probably just assumed I was too young to drink alcohol (for some reason this just makes me mad).  Anyway, and I didn’t want to drink some sugary concoction.  BUT, I’ve been so pleasantly surprised.  I’ve had some amazing drinks in Chicago and here in Cincinnati.  This weekend I had a raspberry mojito mocktail and I’m pretty sure I will order this not pregnant…it was so delicious and refreshing!

-NBA finals- If I haven’t mentioned it before, I really dislike watching professional sports on tv.  BUT, Derek is always really into the NBA, so of course the finals have been on.  Well, I’ve really enjoyed this time because it gives me so much time to look on Pinterest.  I can’t stop pinning things, all baby related :)

That’s really all that is going on!  Stay tuned for a 20 week bump update later this week...Eeek!  Half way there!

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julia rose. said...

I need to load up on those candles ASAP! I love the way they smell and last for forever!
Good for you for getting into mocktails! In 9 months you'll have all sorts of new concoctions to try with alcohol actually in them!
YAY 20 weeks!!!

Kate said...

I ordered a virgin bloody mary once and a mocktail once... then I totally decided it wasn't worth the calories at all. I just stick to anything served to me in a wine glass... water, ice tea, shirley temple. You name it. As long as it's in a wine glass (or cocktail glass) I feel like I'm drinking :)

Mrs. Monica said...

Yes, I have noticed your pins on pinterest. You are going baby pinning crazy. But it super cute stuff so I repin secretly for when I have a kid. lol

Margaret said...

I'm so indifferent on the NBA finals!! Thankfully my husband doesn't care about bball either- but come college football season, that's all the will be on in our house! Perfect time for Pinterest :)

Sarah said...

I am very ready for these NBA Finals to be over...uggh.

20 weeks already?!?

Courtney said...

I can't believe you're already at 20 weeks!!!

Jamie Hart said...

Honeysuckle candles sound TO DIE FOR! I love candles and would have them all over if I could. It's funny-- I tell Rob I want a candle and he goes to Dollar General and gets me one. He doesn't understand that you have to spend a little money to get a nice candle that actually has a nice, lasting smell.

Katrin said...

I need to get some of these candles. I really love candles when they smell good. :)

Jordon said...

I love my B&BW candles! They are the best!!!!!!

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

hahaha I am actually a basketball person (born and raised a die-hard Laker fan) so the finals have been on at my house (like last night when I was by myself because the husband is at his bromance sleepover) and holy cow!! anyways I'm curious about the water bottle....I need a good one since my favorite one is lost somewhere :( and the brushes, where did you get those? please say target hahahha

Kait said...

I am obsessed with Bath and Body Candles. They were $9 yesterday and I stocked up!

Jenna said...

The candles are the best! I usually burn these during the Spring and Summer and then some of the baking scented Yankee Candles in the Fall and Winter. Hope everything is going well with you! Loved the party pics :)

Unknown said...

I would feel the same way about mocktails, but it is good to know there are some great options out there! I love B&B works candles- always worth it :)

Anne said...

I must check out this water bottle! And I haven't bothered with mocktails yet (though Peter did buy me some O'Doul's once - it's not THAT bad), but the more it gets to be summer and I miss being able to have a nice glass of wine when we go out, the more I think I should try... Tell me where/what to get :)

Kristen said...

Ha I definitely am a fan of Camelbak, though I agree that the condensation is annoying. They have insulated ones that I think don't do that, but I don't have any, just the regular ones.

I'm going to have to look into these though!

Anonymous said...

Good to know about the brushes.. I don't seem to find any good options for MAC and I can't always splurge like that :/

Great hint! Thanks :)
xo Kat