....went out to eat and had dinner by YOURSELF?
- If I’m by myself (which is a lot due to Derek’s work schedule), I will just cook and wouldn’t think about going somewhere and sitting down to eat.
- Waste of money going out to eat with just one person
- I honestly didn’t know if I had enough guts to go and sit and eat by myself! Hard to admit, but it’s true!
Anyway, never mind the events that led up to Tuesday night, but I went and had a nice meal all.by.my.self!! I was seriously so proud of myself!
I enjoyed a nice little blueberry martini
And a nice Fuji Apple salad with some Mascarpone and Sundried Tomato Ravioli. It was yummy!
So, I probably won’t do this often…but thoroughly enjoyed myself. So, is this something you have done before or would do?

I've ate alone once! :) More often I do go to movies alone mostly bec my fiance' doesn't want to see chick flicks and a lot of my friends and I have very different interests when it comes to tastes in movies!
I have never done this, but I wouldn't hate the idea...as long as I could be brave enough to do it! I'm glad it was a good experience for you!
Must have gotten in a fight with Derek this night and decided, damnit, "I'm still going out to the dinner we had planned on going to, YOU'RE just not coming!!" Id kid. I kid :)
I haven't ever eaten dinner by myself in a nice place, but I frequently go to lunch by myself. Long as I have a book, I'm good to go and don't care. :)
I've never done this and don't think I have the guts either.
The food and that martini look delish!
I love this! And yes, I have done this several times actually. my sister thinks it's just insane for me to go alone (but she's an extrovert and I'm an introvert). :) Glad you had an awesome time!
Love that you did this! I've only ate by myself once, and that's it.
I haven't done this...yet! That drink & good looks amazing though :-)
This is pathetic but I totally went to see a movie by myself once. It was a horror film and I ended up grabbing onto the lady next to me. Haha... I think I could go out to eat by myself after that, but then again in a theater at least no one really see's you alone. Go you though! Meal looks fantastic!
I've never done it due to the same reasons! You go girl! :)
You are a brave girl! Good for you! I've done lunch by myself but never dinner! That food looks delish, where is that?
Yes. Many times. But mostly when I am traveling for work. I always bring a book or my kindle and just enjoy some quiet time.
Happy Friday!
You go girl! And you got a salad to start, too! You were in it for the long haul! I love it! I've eaten alone before, but only on work trips or when I need some Jackie-time at lunch. Even then, I'll have my ipad out or something to look busy.. haha... You go, girl! It feels kinda empowering, right?!
I have never done this! You are brave! I've done fast food and places like Panera alone, but not anything "fancy." Glad you enjoyed your own company :)
Oh my! I think I'd be too scared to go by myself! I'm so impressed with you... and the meal looks DELISH!!! I now want a blueberry martini - hehe! Glad htat you enjoyed yourself... I'm going to have to keep this in the back of my mind for when I'm feeling adventurous!
I've eaten alone, but mainly for lunch. I actually enjoy it every once in a while! I usually try to bring a book or a magazine so I look very important/busy. :) Ha.
never have but should!
I've done this before and it's definitely a good feeling to know you can enjoy your own company...kudos lady!
Love the TB cuff and Ray Ban glasses!
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