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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekend Recap!

Happy Wednesday!  Nothing like recapping the weekend in the middle of the week, right?  Well, I thought I would share what I was up to this weekend…

Remember when I said that my linen closet was out of control and in need of a reorganization?  Well, I spent my time cleaning, throwing, and organizing that baby!  Here was the (horrible!) before:


Seriously, very very scary!!

And now the after:


Ta-da!!  So after adding the tiles to the shelves like I did in our pantry, I used lots of baskets to organize.  Seriously what is better than an organized closet?!  Welll…..

...what about an organized closet with LABELS?!?!  Are you freaking out right now, cause I am!  Haha seriously this makes me a wild child, I know, but I’m just so excited with how organized this closet is!  I swear I was a professional organizer in a past life like AshLee from The Bachelor.  Who knew that was a profession?

And of course I had the help from this little guy


This is his confused-face of why I’m so excited for a clean linen closet!

Also, this weekend I went to Home Goods and found a thousand things I wanted.  I feel like Home Goods is such a hit-or-miss store, so imagine my excitement when I found a lot of stuff that I needed wanted!

I got new pillows for our living room!

I really think it brings out the blue in our picture that is above our couch.  I’m very happy with them!

I also went to our neighbor’s 3 year old birthday party and a bowling going-away party for a friend.  I sadly did not take any pictures at these events.  But, that is what I’ve been up to lately! 

Hope you had a great weekend!

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Margaret said...

Love the organization!! And with labels- awesome!

Angela - RoseTinted Lenses said...

Can you please come a organise my home!!!!! I need help! Xx

Unknown said...

It's great to see newlyweds or couples without children being unremittingly organized! I love it! You don't have to have kids to have your home & life thoroughly organized.

Courtney said...

Your before closet looks exactly like ours does now. Did you get the baskets from Home Goods?

Sarah said...

How cute are you?! LOVE the closets!!! And the pillows! Great Home Goods find!!

Katrin said...

Love your new pillows! And I should really do some organizing too!

Staci said...

I loooove this pillows! Please come organize me. And bring your puppy.

Ericka said...

Love the organized linen closet! I NEED to do this to ours! Where did you get the super cute baskets? They make it look so much more organized than just having stuff on the shelves.

dave and jenn said...

Love the storage bins! I may have to steal that idea!

Kristen said...

Great job at the organization!

I really need to hit up Marshalls, TJ's, etc asap.

Jax said...

Way to go on the linen closet! Can you come do ours b/c it looks like your before photo...:) And the labels.. awesome! You might have just inspired me for a Sunday project this week.. at least for my crazy shelf of stuff. And those pillows... awesome! Great finds!

Caitlin C. said...

Your closet seriously looks amazing!! Loveee it!!

Lisette @ Northern Belle Diaries said...

This is a repeat queastion: Where did you get those baskets from? I NEED to organize my linen closes as it looks EXACTLY like your before picture! Also...the little labels? Adorbs. I need them. Please and thank you!

Erin said...

I'm seriously OBSESSED with your new linen closet!! LOL, it looks so so cute! I HAVE to get on mine asap now, haha... you're making me look like a slacker ;) I would totally want to be a professional organizer... dream job right there!!!

PS- I know you've mentioned it before, but where did you print your 3-piece canvas photo from?

Lauren said...

Looks so amazing, those baskets are just perfect!! :-)

Angie said...

Oh wow, your closet looks amazing. I seriously will NEVER be organized enough for labels. That is impressive.

I LOVE those pillows. I need to start doing some decorating around here. It just overwhelms me though and I really don't know where to start!

We were going to go bowling this weekend but the bowling alley was crazy crowded so we didn't get to. I haven't been in years.

Sounds like a pretty awesome weekend you had. Hope your week is just as great :)

Allison said...

I LOVE those labels!!! I need to do this. Good job!!

Ashley said...

The closet looks amazing! I get super excited about a clean and organized space too. A trip to the container store makes me wayyyy too happy ha

Maxine said...

I don't have a linen closet (yes I know) but I do have a closet full of camping gear and computer games. Please come clean it, and by "clean it" I mean throw everything away and don't tell my boyfriend.

Faith said...

It looks so good! I completely need to organize my linen closet like this!

Love the pillows you bought! The pattern is perfection!

Mrs. Monica said...

I need to get more organized too. Love the baskets. Love the pillows!